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David’s drama workshops are bespoke, dynamic, revelatory enormous fun, and quite unforgettable.








Many thanks for an absolute 'master class' with the musical theatre LEAP students. The feedback we have received has been very positive with so many of the children reporting to us on the energynd enthusiasm you brought to and maintained throughout the class. 


I will certainly be in touch regarding future work with LEAP as we would love to see you again.


— Victoria Burnham

LEAP School Principal

David regularly works with groups and individuals: actors, singers, students and professionals.

His workshops are challenging, highly active and great fun - communicating excellence, passion and enthusiasm whilst equipping his participants with highly applicable tools for their development and future use.



Drawing on his experience as a Professional Actor, Workshop Leader and Facilitator (London’s West End, Regional Rep Theatres, Trestle Theatre Company (Full Masks), Shakespeare’s Globe, The Original Shakespeare CompanyThe English Shakespeare Company, Young Shakespeare Company, The Ariel Group and beyond) David runs superb, highly successful and unforgettable workshops in Physical Theatre, Shakespeare, Voice and Choral Speaking.


He is as happy to work on existing projects as to provide his own workshops.


Challenging, dynamic and great fun, David’s workshops are not to be missed.


For more details re David’s Shakespeare and Choral Speaking workshops click here.


Or to contact David click here.




David is happy to custom-build a workshop

ideally suited to your participants.


Options include:


States of Tension


Vocal Variety


Sound and Rhythm

Crafting a Scene



Song Delivery

 - and -

Lifting existing speeches and scenes to the next levels...!


David is more than happy to work with existing scenes, speeches and projects - or to craft completely independent workshops according to your needs.


Want to know more...?  Just get in touch...!

DBT and Contexture Theatre’s
Incredible 24-Hour
Theatre Projects
Highly Recommended

24 Hours to Shakespeare

24 Hours to Brecht

24 Hours to Lorca

24 Hours to Physical Theatre

24 Hours to Stanislavsky

24 Hours to Artaud

... and more....!

What would you choose....?!!


DBT and Contexture Theatre’s hugely successful 24 hour theatre projects are now available again - this time nationwide...!


Students from a single school or a group of schools or youth groups arrive at an Arts Venue at 7pm to be told that in 24 hours there will be a show - on a theme - in which they will be performing...!


In an immersive and intensive 24 hours, working with a team of highly skilled and experienced professional actors and workshop-leaders - and grabbing but a few hours’ sleep when they can - they then achieve the seemingly impossible and mount a superb production, complete with professional sound and lighting, for an invited audience just 24 hours later - and based on that very theme..!


DBT’s innovative and superb format has proved highly successful over the years, inspiring projects at London’s Old Vic Theatre and beyond - and is now available for booking again, nationwide…!


Choose a theme from above - or select your own.


No wonder DBT stands for “Death By Theatre”…!



David Hall, DBT and Contexture Theatre present -


“24 Hour Theatre…!" 


For all enquiries - click here !

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