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Mathmagical news...!

Mathmagics! is now available online...!

For a review click here.


More info coming soon...!


highly active,

great fun and

quite unforgettable!

A dynamic and inspiring tour of Maths stories and tricks, demonstrating its history, importance and uses across the world...! 
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Mathmagics is an interactive show, adaptable to suit all levels and timings, using props and many an intrepid volunteer…!

David is happy to perform to as many can fit into the space - from Reception to Year 9 and beyond, whole year-groups, even whole schools.  Many schools launch and/or close the day with a full-group assembly, whilst for the rest of the day David works with smaller groups, choosing the best activities to suit their energies and abilities. Hence, not only do the pupils have more opportunities to take part, but they’re also left with plenty of activities to practise and share with each other long after the event.  



“It was really funny. I never thought maths could be fun until he came in and it inspired me to try harder in maths and to have a go...”


— Georgina Felisi




“I’ve been teaching for fifteen years and that was the Best Maths Presentation I’ve ever seen.  It’d make a terrific teacher training session too - to help us get the very most from all our maths resources.”


— Patrick Mills, Year 5 Class Teacher

Mathmagics, Orchard Primary School, Hackney, March 2013



“It was amazing.  Everyone loved it.  The feedback has been amazing: Absolutely fantastic!”


— Jenny Bond, Maths Day Co-ordinator

Orchard Primary School, Hackney, March 2014




“I just wanted to say thank you for the fantastic workshops that you delivered on Friday. The children were so engaged, due to your enthusiasm and brilliant activities you planned.”


— Charlotte Baker, Lower School Leader


“After this week and your assembly, I’ve found Maths to be my favourite !”


— Paige, Y5 Pupil


“That was fantastic!”

— Ms Sayer, TA


Mathmagics, Cuxton Junior School, Rochester, March 2014

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From the Institute of Telecommunication Professionals’ Christmas Lectures 2016:


“A major success!  One of the best of the Christmas Family Presentations I have been involved with !!  David is a real "find”.


David Hall is a exceptional, delightful, gentle man who lights up the room with his presentation. Way before David was scheduled to begin, he engaged with his audience and shared different parts of the information which he brings linking into the various pictures, documents etc which were placed all over any available place within the room.


We did not get a hour; we got nearer 1.5 hours and he could have kept going all afternoon. The audience were thrilled, thoroughly entertained, totally involved and went home happy and delighted that they had gained knowledge & been treated to a fantastic show!”


— Martin Ingram

Event co-ordinator, the ITP


Each group will experience different activities, tailored to their abilities, which can then be shared after the event.  


Fun, exciting and frequently.... quite amazing….!!


To find out more about Mathmagics as

teacher-training event, email David here.


Reception to Year 11 - and beyond...!


Although "Mathmagics” was originally targeted at Key Stages 2 & 3, David has now successfully adapted certain activities to suit younger children too - even some nursery classes.  The children and teachers always have great fun whilst learning about maths in all its guises...!


To enquire further about Mathmagics - click here !

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