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Sir Isaac Newton

Astonishing news...!

Through an outstanding feat of technological brilliance, Sir Isaac is proud to announce that his unmatchable lecture is now available both live and in person and now also interactively online - beamed directly from the 17th Century...!  

available now..!

For a review click here.
More info coming soon...!
Sir Isaac Newton
Britain's Greatest Genius
Since 1996 David has been entertaining and educating audiences across the UK and beyond as an irrepressible Sir Isaac Newton. 
Devised and Directed by Johnny Ball, "Meet Sir Isaac Newton" is ideal for all ages, and always received with universal acclaim!
Comments received have included:



"All pupils, including a number of Year 6 pupils from visiting primary schools, were enthralled.

They gained knowledge not only of the wide range of Newton's theories but also the background history to the times.

A professional and well-prepared show." 


— Helen Isherwood KS3 coordinator, The Radclyffe School, Oldham. 




"Sir Isaac Newton, played by David Hall, was a great hit. He brings enthusiasm, vitality and realism to the character and his audience were transfixed. This was Edutainment at its best. We'll certainly have him back." 

— Dr. David Lewis,

Uppingham School, Rutland.




"The talk by Isaac Newton was discussed endlessly on the way home and again in class the next day. It made a big impression." 


— Paul Ridd, Head of Science, Tonbridge School. 




"What a complete joy it was, AND we learned a lot. It was a fab performance - totally captivating the room and making us all believe we really were in the presence of the great man" 

— Audience member,

Southwold Summer Festival 




"Brought science to life!" 


— Jan Greenhalgh,

Gloucestershire SATRO 

Topics include








Planetary orbits,


Forces and Motion,

The Scientific Revolution

and much, much more.

A flamboyant and extraordinary Sir Isaac explodes into the room and within ninety minutes - with the help of intrepid volunteers and some unforgettable demonstrations - guides his audience through his life and ground-breaking achievements - with many a squirmingly corny joke along the way!

And from St Ives School, Cornwall : 




"Brilliant !!" 

"I really learned a lot about what

Sir Isaac Newton did! " 

"I didn't realise that he did so much

and invented so many things! " 

"He was really funny! " 

"I wish my science teacher

was as good as him! " 




"Very interesting and I am not

a science teacher!" 

"I bet the kids have learned a lot of science without realising it!"

"Good pace and well presented!"

"I was enthralled from

beginning to end!"

"He put across the discoveries of

Sir Isaac Newton in a humorous

but well organised thorough way.

I was impressed!"

"Hope to see you again next year!”

As a man whose discoveries and methods influenced both the arts and the sciences and changed the way mankind understood the Universe itself, and whose impact is still felt more than three centuries later, what better way to inspire your imaginations than to... 
Meet Sir Isaac Newton!
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